Raising the Bar Podcast

Podcast that examines legal issues/policies and the impact on women of color. We aim to inform, educate & provide concrete tools to empower, expand and help our community.

Ep 013 | Flint Water Crisis Meets Trump's Courts

The 25th day of April marked five years since the residents of Flint, Michigan were forced to consume hazardous waste (in the form of water coming from their faucets).  Flint residents have been fighting hard for justice. This past week, a federal judge ruled that residents can proceed with their lawsuits against the federal government. 

In this episode, I discuss the courts that will preside over their case… Trump's federal courts.  As of April 2019,  92 judges selected by Trump have been confirmed: two for the Supreme Court, 37 for the Circuit Courts of Appeal, and 53 for the District Courts. Thanks to the Senate invoking the nuclear option, more judges will be confirmed at a faster rate.  Trump promised his base he would change the federal courts.  Trump didn't fulfill many campaign promises. Unfortunately, this is one he kept.

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